
Showing posts from February, 2011

Are Only The Rich Deserve Wealth Management ?

好多人有這樣錯誤的觀點:理財是有錢人的專利和遊戲。一般人會認為,我自己都沒什麼財,拿來什麽理財這個玩意兒!Capital Wealth Finance資深理財貸款經理在2011年的開始與大家討論這話題。 從經濟學的角度來看,理財是解決各個經濟主體如何在當前與未來取得資源,分配資源和運用資源的問題。它包括了錢財的“籌集”,“運用”,“增值”三大方面。目的在於如何用最低的成本籌措資金,以最大的效益運用資金,取得最大的利潤,從而提高生活水平和素質。世上的富人有1/3是靠繼承,1/3靠創業和1/3靠理財。他們不是成了富人才去理財,而是從理財后成為富人。無可厚非,任何投資項目都有它的風險,人們面對它的風險所表現出來的態度可分為4種: 1) 激進型---願意接受高風險投資,以追求高利潤; 2) 中庸型---承擔部份風險和追求高於平均的獲利; 3) 保守型---爲了保本,寧可放棄高於一般水平的回報; 4) 極端保守型---不願意承擔任何風險,寧可放進銀行吃利息而不做任何投資項目。 一般人都把賺與省的錢放進銀行生息,而會理財的人卻把賺的錢轉為成投資項目如地產,股票,生意高回報與高風險的活動。會理財的人都會通過銀行借貸等渠道去籌集資金,他們用的錢就是“窮人”存在銀行用來生息的。所以“窮人”的錢再為有錢人工作,因為窮人資源把錢放進銀行,而銀行需要把錢借給會理財賺錢的人去賺更多的錢。若這點都不讓你採取任何行動為自己的晚年做個交待,請你深思從以下這個問題。 你若不理財區進行一些讓你的資產增值的活動,那麼你固有的資產無疑是會被通貨膨脹吞沒,逐漸縮水。大家看物價上漲的情況就可以看出。一年前$10可以買到的東西,今天就得用$20元去購買,所以不理財和投資者就會面對資產無法保值和生活素質下滑現象。 本中心擁有全澳洲最低的終身浮息6.87%起與三年固定7.09%無年/月費(只限有收入證明者),幫你在新的一年的到來,讓你早日買到心愛的房屋或多增添間投資房,讓自己的晚年過的更舒適的生活。 Capital Wealth Finance信貸理財投資中心能為華人同胞量體裁衣,按照你的生活階段,生活理念,方式和理財需求的不同幫你規劃,讓你能享受財富所帶給你的自由,真正達到快樂理財之路!人的一生能積累多少錢,不是取決於你賺多少錢而是在於你是否以平和的心態,不追求盲目高收益的“投機”活動。長期堅穩...

Think Positive Geared Property - putting $ to your pocket each week with tax incentives !

Why take out $ each week from your pocket to fund your negative gear property - Think Positive Geared Ppty - putting $ to your pocket each week with tax incentives ! We have projects where by the government will $9140 tax inventive to you each year if you owned one of the investment property approved by NRAS - National Rental Affordability Scheme. All of these are new properties in growth area - which implies you enjoy the growth with low maintenance cost, high depreciation and tax incentives benefit. The return is 7% or more dependings on your tax bracket. If you are keen to get into these investment properties, you can email me or call me on 0408 798 899 to book for an appointment. The qualified licensed real estate professionals will run through the figure with you and with your tax accountant. Have a great fruitful week. Regards,

Fantastic home loan interest rate not to be missed!

Why rent? Start create your own wealth by entering to the property market now. 1. At present, we have 2 years fixed at 6.89% lowest in the market. - No application fee, - No valuation fee, - No ongoing fee, - No annual fee. 2. 95% LVR without Mortgage Fee to pay, saving you thousands of dollars with fantastic rate. Call Jenny Oh 040879889 immediate to discuss and save thousand of dollar on your loan.

Market and Interest Movement Update

There was an audible sigh of relief this week when the Reserve Bank opted to leave the Official Cash Rate unchanged at 4.75% in Feb 2011 meeting. The decision was made after the release of tame inflation data and reduced consumer’s confidence after the flood and cyclone Yasi. Going forward, there remains the possibility that interest rates will increase. Forecasts for the Australia’s economic growth remain strong and the government has recently revised upward the revenue improvements that will flow from the high terms of trade and the export boom that continues to be fuelled by China’s significant growth and demand for our raw materials, particularly coal and iron ore. However, the timeframe for further monetary policy tightening remains clouded. There are some indications that the tightened monetary policy to date has had a softening effect on domestic demand. Areas of the economy that have slowed as a result of interest rate increases are housing finance and home sales – of which ha...