The 5 major mistakes that owners and investors shall avoid in today market.
RBA has decided to put the official cash rate at 3.25% on hold during the 6 Nov 12 meeting, which is a surprise and disappointing to many especially to the retailers. But at Capital Wealth Finance, Your trusted Wealth Creation Partner to home ownership, property investment and assets protection offers you a sensational rate – putting the money into your pocket vs. the banks. 本公司隆重推出 4.97% 1 to 2 年固定 與 5.58% 浮動利息,助你心想事成。 你貸款若是 6.0% ,用 $500 萬來算,我們將幫你省下 $71210 元的利息支出;同時你將有機會贏取美國來回飛機票× 2 總價值 $12000! Capital Wealth Finance 有經驗與專業的貸款經紀人幫你千里挑十,量身定裁地為你規劃貸款方案,唯有合適你的需求的貸款產品。才是最佳的。 這期 擁有十四年理財投資經驗的公司,資深貸款經理和理財規律師 Jenny 胡 小姐,將為華人同胞介紹一些貸款的要點給自住和投資者些貼士 - The 5 major mistakes that owners and investors shall avoid in today market. The real estate environment as we see it today is very different to that of early 2000-2004 when even Mum and Dad investors could make a profit from a property transaction. During that time, simply buying a propert...