Protect yourself, not the bank!

There have been some significant changes in the finance markets in the last few years. An important part of building wealth in property investment is to constantly review your financial situations.

This is to ensure your financial well-being is protected and your loan is structured in such a way you are protected vs. the lender; the loan product has the right features to allow you own the asset faster and comes with a competitive rate so you can increase your rate of return (ROI). All these are designed to achieve your identified financial goals and help you to attain your financial freedom.

At Capital Wealth Finance (CWF), we helped our clients, handled their problems with sense of urgency and solved their financial pains. To date, we helped the following situations, they are:

1)           Client was told to refinance or bring cash of $1million to reduce the Loan value ratio (LVR) to acceptable credit level. This was due to low valuation and bank was not able to secure initial lending after their commercial loan review was done. We managed to solve the valuation problems client faced, and secured the loan with a longer loan term with no review so he can concentrate in his business, best of all he has a better rate than before.

2)           Client has 3 properties under 1 lender and bank has instructed receivership to seize them due to loan term has expired and repayment was not paid in regular manner. CWF refinanced and removed his bad records on his credit file and saved him from selling his assets at discounted price.

3)           Clients wanted to develop 10 units townhouse with no presales so to save on capital gain tax, all major lenders knocked him off but CWF secured the loan at 75% GRV and allowed the client to save on the tax plus walked away with net profit of $1.5million in less than 12 months.

4)           Client, a developer owe ATO tax debts, no banks wanted his business but CWF managed to get him cash out through refinance his investment property and paid his ATO obligations, he also got funding of $8 million to finish his  property development project with interest capitalised, these allowed him to make net $4.5millin in 2 years.

5)           Low doc self-employed business owner can access to unlimited cash out (all post code considered) with no BAS and no accountant sign off needed.

6)           Credit impaired borrowers were not rejected straight away liked banks do – CWF helped people to solve their real problems and seek alternate funding for them to start their life fresh and bright.

I am offering complimentary review for investors or business owner liked you so to map a wealth creation and wealth protection strategy so your interests are protected and allow you to achieve your identified gaols. 


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