Rent Protection so you can still meet your loan repayment cost
Owning an investment property should be a rewarding experience, but tenant trouble or plain bad luck can turn it into a drama if you don’t have the right insurance cover. Issues such as job loss or illness can lead to tenants defaulting on rent or abandoning the property. Even with perfect tenants, events like storms, earthquakes, theft and burglary can damage the home and contents. Now I know of an Insurance that will cover you the rent loss to protect your asset and its earning power against damage and rent loss. It is c ompetitively priced and broad in cover, RentCover policies allow you to relax and let your investment earn money. All QLD ppty is costing you $270/year and is tax deductible - this will minimise the risk when your tenants cannot pay you or refuse to pay and yet stay at your house. Any queries and details wrt this rent cover protection, please email me on