Secret Recipes of Sucess Part 2

Intelligent is part of the secret recipe of success. It is because success is like a car – a

new sport car with robust and good wheel alignment (smart person) will obviously

run faster and further vs. the normal car (not so smart) . However to get the sport car

to move faster, it has to have a good car engine. Without the engine, it will not have

any force. This force is equivalent to your passion and determination. Without your

passion and dedication, you will not be able to invent new ideas and outlook to keep

you going when things are tough. But again with a good wheel and good engine are

not enough to make you successful, a car needs to have good steering, brake and

accelerators. This is because without this system, a faster sport car will suffer more

severe damages vs. a slower car when an accident happens. If I translate this to a

human, what control your destiny besides your ethical belief, your religious

background and upbringing, the other important factor will be are you a positive or

negative person.

In life journey, you did not need to be strong to be the winner, but to be a winner, you

need to be a positive person who knows your goals and work towards it.

Napoleon Hill did say one famous quote: “The difference between people is small but

this small difference can create big different outcomes, the small difference is positive

and pessimistic attitude and the big result is success and failure”.

In Australia, the year 2011starts with flood, fire and cyclone – whether this is a bad or

good omen is too early to come to a conclusion. The media comes out with news liked:

“Real Estate Growth will slow, Price house will stall at least first half of the year,

Reserve will increase rate and give pressure to landlords “etc. Buying house is a

personal event, what other comments people shall be taken as opinions. This is

because everyone has different requirements, different budget and different

understanding of the areas, as long you are following the fundamental when you are

buying the house – whether it is to live in or to invest, you shall be in good hand. The

basic fundamentals are :

- The house you are buying near to transportation network?

- Near to good shopping centres ?

- Near to schools ?

- Is it a relative safe area ?

- Is it within the budget you have for now ?

Investors need to do more research and know their commitment before buying. This is

because any investment you make there are risks associated with it. For instance, the

recent flood did cause trouble to many home owners and investors. But I know people

who will invest regardless where and what the market is now, these actions have

allowed him to get out of the Rat Race and retire Young and Rich. He gets rid of his

9 to 5 job and has become full time professional investors at the age of 45.


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